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We've got an entire team dedicated to supporting you

Team FDOC once limited to General Dentistry is today into all the specializations in the field including basic root-canal, crowns & bridges, teeth alignment, braces, smile designing, cosmetic treatments & dental implants. Patients in the meanwhile have steadily grown in numbers from a modest handful to over 35000 today! As regards FDOC’s focus, it is towards providing a comprehensive, integrated, and holistic treatment in dentistry which remains systematic, stable, and predictable.

Discover the Faces BehindlineYour Smile

On what remains the secret behind FDOC`'s stupendous success, Dr Shibli Syed puts it down to the team’s unwavering and unrelenting focus on cleanliness. Sterilization, be it of dental instruments, the chair or the clinic itself, remains an over-riding concern visible right from the time one enters the premises.

Another area where they score over others is the diligent use of digital X-rays to minimize radiation. The practice also brings to use the most recent advances in dentistry in the form of dental lasers, dental microscopes, loupes, whitening systems and PentaMix to mention some.

FDOC Infrastructure
FDOC Infrastructure
FDOC Infrastructure
FDOC Infrastructure
10k Succuess Happy Patients

Warmth towards patients being a priority at FDOC, pain & discomfort is taken care of right from the reception where soft music is played and friendly staff makes one feel relaxed during the appointment.

From the treatment perspective, patients aren’t exposed to scary-looking instruments & needles. With regard to injections, they regularly use topical anaesthesia to minimise patients’ discomfort. Post-appointment care being uppermost, the staff regularly calls up patients to enquire about their health & views on the treatment at the clinic. FDOC has its own digital appointment management systems for smooth appointment scheduling which helps reduce waiting time at the reception.

Luck, destiny & most of all hard work has brought FDOC to where it is today. Their team of doctors & support staff, also plays an important role in keeping the practice look & feel professional. Plans are afoot to add more clinics & academies in the future. The fraternity & the trade are where they look up to when it comes to marshalling resources to turn their dreams into reality, more so concerning their training academy.

Speaking of FDOC’s milestones, the good doctor feels immensely proud, mentioning the patients overwhelming response to their PAINLESS & BLOODLESS treatment on social media platforms like Practo. He also mentions about the massive rise in ortho cases with patients opting for high end braces & aligners. There has been a corresponding rise in the dental implants and cosmetic treatment like tooth whitening.

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