Jaw Joint and Clenching

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Jaw Joint and Clenching

Temporomandibular Disorder:

Millions of Indians suffer from chronic facial and neck pain as well as recurrent headaches. In some cases this pain is due to Temporomandibular Disorder, or TMD. Your temporomandibular joints, or jaw joints, connect your lower jawbone to your skull. As you may imagine, these joints are used quite a lot throughout the day as you speak, chew, swallow, and yawn. Pain in and around these joints can be unpleasant and may even restrict movement.

Symptoms of TMD include:

• Pain in the jaw area
• Locked jaw or limited opening of the mouth
• Pain, ringing, or stuffiness in the ears
• Frequent headaches or neck pain
• Clicking or popping sound when the jaw moves
• Swelling on the sides of the face
• Muscle spasms in the jaw area
• A change in the alignment of top and bottom teeth

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Frequently Asked Questions

Well having a question is normal, don't worry we have answers to all your questions.
Dr. Shibli specializes in Orthodontics

What does "faulty jaw" actually mean?
What does "faulty jaw" actually mean?

The faulty jaw can be either congenital or developmental in nature, or from a traumatic injury. Faulty jaw is another word for malposition of the jaw or jaws.

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