Invisible Braces

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Invisible Braces

Invisible Braces in Pune Invisalign: An Invisible Braces Solution

Invisalign is a removable orthodontic appliance offered as an alternative to more traditional orthodontic solutions. A type of clear tooth aligner, Invisalign is intended for people who find the idea of a mouthful of metal braces and brackets – however effective – too unattractive to commit to. If you are a candidate for Invisalign or other "invisible braces" you can maintain your smile esthetics while straightening your teeth.

An Introduction to Invisalign Clear Braces

Invisalign was introduced in 1999 by Align Technologies. The removable Orthodontics in Pune appliance incorporates a series of invisible (clear) plastic aligners that fit comfortably over your teeth and are designed to move them gradually into the desired orthodontic position.

Today, Invisible braces is a leading brand of orthodontic appliance, primarily because the removable aligners (less than one millimeter thick) are designed to be more esthetically pleasing than conventional wire-and-bracket dental braces for treating certain types of minor misaligned tooth problems.

How Invisalign Braces Work?

The use of a series of removable aligners for the adjustment of occlusion (bite) is not new. The Invisalign method is based on a concept first introduced in the 1940s and revisited in the 1970s that required a series of dental impressions to determine the optimal position of the teeth. The Invisalign method is simpler than its predecessors, requiring only one set of impressions and photographs of the teeth, taken during an initial consultation.
These impressions are used to create a three-dimensional computer projection of how the teeth could be moved incrementally, forming the basis for developing a series of custom-made aligners designed to accomplish this movement.
Invisalign aligners are manufactured at the Align Technologies dental laboratory using computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) processes. The aligners are sent to the Best dentist in Pune, who typically dispenses them in groups of one or two at a time during regular check-up appointments (about every four to six weeks) so that treatment can be properly managed. Each aligner must be worn in its specific order for about two weeks, during which time it moves the teeth in small increments of about .25 millimeters to .33 millimeters. Although the aligners are removable (for eating, drinking certain beverages and brushing/flossing), they must be worn at least 20 hours a day in order to reposition the teeth successfully.
A typical Invisalign treatment requires 20 to 30 aligners for both the upper and lower teeth. Most adults complete their treatment in less than one year. However, treatment time depends on the specific alignment problem.

Invisalign vs. Traditional Orthodontics: Invisible braces in Pune may not be appropriate for certain cases of misalignment or complex bite problems. Fixed orthodontic appliances (traditional wire and bracket braces) can be used for complex malocclusions. Though not as esthetically appealing as clear aligners like Invisalign, today's traditional braces have been improved so they are smaller, less visible and more efficient. These newer wire-and-bracket braces also help to correct misalignment much faster than before. Only a Good Dentist can determine which Dental treatment option might be right for you. In addition, an Orthodontics specialist (orthodontist) can advise you about orthodontic treatment alternatives. If Invisalign is not appropriate, traditional orthodontics can still be used for such conditions as: • Crowding and spacing greater than five millimeters.
• Skeletal malocclusions.
• Discrepancies involving centric-relation/centric-occlusion (how the upper and lower jaw joints and jaw muscles close together).
• Teeth that are severely rotated.
• Open bites in the front and back of the mouth that need to be closed.
• Teeth that are severely tipped.
• Upper or lower jaws with multiple missing teeth.

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